World Languages, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

heya ♥️

Speech on "Stop Comparing Yourself With Others."

DoNoT CoPy /PaStE...!

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:) ​


Answered by anuradha2004
Stop Comparing Yourself with Others

In today's world everyone wants to be better than another person, in all terms it can be marks for students, prize for an competition or salary for an worker ,but we have to understand that life is not about competiting but living.

The habit of comparing starts from the very beginning ,from the moment a child joins an school. The parents want their child to be better then the rest of the children and if the child is an average student then there are chances that he/she is compared to a child who is much bright , but my question to the world is : Why do we need to compare children by means of their marks as the most important thing is learning that an child must learn but instead they are taught to compete and be the better one instead of being the true version of themselves .

We must learn to live like the flowers in an garden, A flower doesn't feel to compete with the flower next to it , it just blooms and makes everyone happy by its beauty & hence we must stop comparing ourselves to others and be the master of your own sea and the king of your own kingdom and live to express yourself not to impress others.

stop comparing and start living

Anonymous: copied!!!
Answered by paroshnee18


Why You Should Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

I am going to cover my reasons why you should stop comparing yourself to others and what to do to stop comparing yourself to others.

If you find yourself constantly looking at others’ physical appearance or possessions, don’t worry for that is a natural human instinct. However, when you start looking at others’ accomplishments or possessions and gauging your own worth in accordance with what others have that you don’t have, then you have a problem. If you think that others are wealthier, more successful, beautiful, and more accomplished than you are, then you are impeding your own contentment and happiness in the process.

When you compare yourself to others, you will be in for an unfair competition.

You see, there are always people who have attained more accomplishments, have more money or possessions, or are more physically endowed. Competing with such people will leave you wanting in more ways than one. It will also cause you to lose focus on your life’s goals. More importantly, it will serve to fuel your discontentment with what you have and thus lead you to feelings of unhappiness.

Stop comparing yourself to others if you want to be truly happy. Constantly comparing yourself to others will only produce a vicious cycle of discontent and despondency that will leave you more dejected and miserable than ever. It is quite natural for humans to look at others’ possessions and accomplishments with longing and, to some extent, envy. However, if it gets to the point that you are already sabotaging your happiness because you feel that you are inadequate and mediocre as compared to others, then it’s time to put a stop to the comparison.

Stop comparing yourself to others if you are starting to let such negative feelings rule over your thoughts and actions to the point that you are not contented anymore with what you have and you feel unhappy because of it. People who keep comparing themselves to others will find that they’re losing precious time over nothing. Instead of working on their weaknesses, such people neglect their own strengths and whatever good attributes they may have. These types of people often bypass opportunities for growth and self-development. Instead of focusing on what they have and what they could possibly do to enhance themselves, they are constantly plagued by trying to outdo other people’s accomplishments.

How can you stop comparing yourself to others?

we can by following these Acknowledge the thought, Focus on what you have-Stop comparing yourself to others because there are things you can do that they can’t and vice-versa. Capitalize on your strengths to equate whatever are your weaknesses. Practice gratitude and Get to know yourself.

Here I am at the end of this post about “Why You Should Stop Comparing Yourself to Others“, I hope you found it inspirational

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