Hi friends please help me.... develop a story..... Two women — both claim that a certain baby is theirs — matter brought to king Solomon — King questions both about the child— both give convieneing answers — king suddenly orders guard to take the baby and cut it into two and give half to each woman shrieks "let the other woman have the baby" — obviously this woman is the mother— King Solomon brands baby to her!
Once two women were quarreling over the claim of a baby. The baby was brought before a judge to settle the claim. Both were equally strong in their claim.
"well", said the judge, "the law will take its own course and the liar will be punished. l give you time to think."
Time passed. But neither of the women give up her claim. At last the judge sent for the executioner.
"Cut the baby into two equal halves", ordered the judge, "and give a half to each of the women."
Hearing the order, one of the women fainted. Recovering her sense she cried out, "Don't cut my child. Give it to her."
The other women remained silent. The judge realised who the real mother was. He returned the child to its mother and punished the other.
Moral: Every mother most love their children. They can't see their children's problem.