HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS AND PROBLEM SOLVING Arjun and Anil read the following article in a science journal. Steel is made of iron and carbon combined in different amounts. Other elements such as phosphorus, sulphur and oxygen are also found in it. Steel is hard and strong, thus making it a useful construction material. It is magnetic in nature and hence converted into magnets. Arjun thinks: "Steel is a compound since it is made of many elements.” Anil thinks: "Steel is a mixture because it retains the properties of iron, from which it is made. The ratio of iron to carbon is not fixed." Whose statement is correct? Why? Hint: Recall how a molecule of a compound is formed. Also recall the differences between compounds and mixtures. class 6 chapter pure substances elements and compounds
Most of us don't think about thinking — we just do it. But educators, parents, and legislators have been thinking more about thinking, and thinking about how we want teachers to teach our students to think.
As students move from elementary to middle to high school, they are asked by their teachers to do more and more with the information they have stored in their brains. They may ask students to write a new ending for a book they've been reading, or they may ask why a certain character in the story behaved in a particular way. If they are studying sound in science, students might be asked to design and construct a new kind of musical instrument. In language arts, they may be asked to compare and contrast Julius Caesar and Adolph Hitler, or to talk about the lessons Nazism holds for world events today. These types of requests require higher order thinking.
Higher order thinking may seem easy for some students, but difficult for others. But here's the good news: (1) higher order thinking, like most skills, can be learned; and (2) with practice, a person's higher order thinking skill level can increase.
द क्रिएशन आफ वेरिएशन इन अस्प आई किस यू आई लव यू टू इंक्वायरी इंडियन एक अपंग ड्यूरिंग सेक्सुअल रिप्रोडक्शन डिफेंडिंग ऑन द नेचर ऑफ रेडिएशन डिफरेंट एरियाज हैव डिफरेंट काइंड ऑफ एडवांटेज इंडिविजुअल्स इज यूज़फुल वेरिएशन वेरिएशन का एंड एनवायरनमेंट एंड सोशल द इंडिविजुअल ऑफ द पोस्ट ऑफ मेकिंग यूज़फुल