highlight he main provisions of the right to freedon
The six fundamental rights are:
Right to Equality: It includes equality before the law, forbiddance of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, creed, place of birth or gender and equality of employment.
Cultural and Educational Right: These are for the conservation of the cultural practices of the citizens and the right to education.
Right to freedom: It includes freedom of speech and expression, assembly, association or union or cooperatives, movement, and residence. It also includes the right to practice any profession or occupation.
Right against exploitation: It prohibits all forms of forced and child labor and human trafficking.
The Right to freedom of religion: It includes freedom of conscience and free profession, practice, and propagation of religion, freedom to manage religious affairs, and freedom from religious instructions in certain educational institutes.
Right to constitutional remedies: It states that the citizens have a right to a constitutional remedy for enforcement of Fundamental Rights.