I've a doubt...
The points u earns through Brainly app won't help you in any other ways....
Then why u guys are running behind all those points?
Do you have any personal gain?
Will it provide any money to u?
An open forum for doubt clearance is more better than this...
What's the use of becoming the moderator if I can only manage Brainly?
What I gain when I manage Brainly???
Why to spend my time in answering all the questions??
~Anonymous Human being
Answered by
I m answering not for gaining points , but for helping them who really needs answer .......and for gaining some more knowledge ........from others ......
Not u. Its that grl who answered this
Answered by
There are various ways to earn points on Brainly, which you need to use in order to ask questions on the site. Every time you want to ask a question, you will need to choose a specific amount of points to spend, and also receive points for every question that you answer.
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