English, asked by Jimmy1111, 11 months ago

Hii plz can answer it please
Make a story on this -A boy who living in a hostel
Whose age is 14 yrs
And make a ghost story about this


Answered by themis
a boy leaving his house for the first time will have so many thoughts in his mind. after coming he will have many bad thoughts in his mind because of not being able to forget his family member and due to all these he may feel that some one is at the back of him and few more things like that u can refer to this and make a story on ur own
Answered by JessiJ

Robin was in his teen that he needed to stay in a hotel for his very urgent meeting for a mog parliament. He needed sto stay in the hotel for almost 10 days as he was the head of the event. Robin was however a very bight student and even was one of the frontiers of his school.

However he lived in a hotel of 15 floors and he was given a room in the 14th floor. There were also some other students with him but as there was a shortage of room in 12th floor he was given a room in 14th floor alone.However being a peace lover he was very happy there.

One day after the meeting he and his friends were in in the elevator that they found there was no option for 13th floor.Robin's friend found it as very irking fact.But,Robin didn't mind it.

It was the 5th day of meetings. There was a huge party organised and Robin. Was felling something not fine so he left early that by 9pm.

He was in the elevator the elevator showed the no of floors 10...11...12..And it stopped. He was horrified he realised that he was in between 12th and 14th floor that is 13th floor. He was terrified when he remembered that there was no floor named 13th floor. He pressed the key of EMERGENCY OPEN but he did not expected it to open as there was no floor named 13th floor. But to his amusement it opened...... A hotel setup place with full of webs and dust every where and he even realised that there was a power cut there.He slower but terrifically with near the window and opened it and assured there was a power cut. Then after few seconds he realised that he could not even see the lights of the vehicles in the road he was horrified. He heard a footsteps behind him he looked behind saw black out line that didn't looked like a human he ran and the creature was behind him. He saw the stair case but there was a door which was locked.He took a metal rod near him and broke the lock to his amusement there was no power cut he saw the elevator closing still the creature was running after him.He took a movie stunt and got into the elevator and took a deep breath he went down the reception and sat there till his friends came. He asked one of his friends to share his room. And never ever since then he slept in a room alone.


But it's not that scary

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