Hindustan copper limited Saharanpur is going to hold its annual general meeting in the committee room on 3rd May 2019.the meeting will discuss the issue of rising prices of various commodities in order to bring back a check over expenditure the organization has come up with several measure. as Secretary of the company produce the agenda of the meeting
Agenda For the Meeting
Date:3rd May 2019
Time:2 pm
Place: Hindustan Copper Limited, Saharanpur
Agenda Details:
1. To keep a check over increasing expenditure of the organization, steps that should be taken
2. Rising the price of different commodities,such that it covers the expenditure hike.
3. To discuss the ways through which the prices can be hiked, without affecting the market for the commodity.
Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Hindustan Copper Limited for 2019:
Date: 3rd May 2019
Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: Committee Room
Points of Discussion:
• To discuss the rising prices of various commodities and the possible causes
• To identify ways to bring a check over expenditure in the company
• To finalize the best measures to reduce expenditure and improve profitabiility
• Question and Answer session