Science, asked by gk3977948, 1 year ago

hlo ✌️

define aglae​


Answered by Anonymous


Alage are a type of plant light living things that can make food from sunlight by photosynthesis .

Alage are a diverse group of Aquatic organisms that have the ability to conduct photosynthesis certain Algae are familiar to most people for instance seaweeds Ponds come for the algal blooms in lakes .

Additional information;

  • The study of Alage is called Phycology.

  • The term covers a range of photosynthetic organisms and many are not closely related.

  • Alage are Pholopyletic groups.

  • Alages are belonged to plant kingdom.

  • These organisms look like plants but unlike plants Alage donot have roots , stem and leaves etc.

  • Mostly alage can be found in resding oceans, lakes , rivers and ponds etc.


  • Alage play Many important and beneficial roles in freshwater environment .
  • They produce Oxygen and consume carbon dioxide act as the base for aquatic food chain remove nutrients and pollutants from water and stabilize sediments .


  1. Diatom
  2. Wakame
  3. Marimo etc.
Answered by aviguru111


The definition of algae is a single or multi-cellular organism that has no roots, stems or leaves and is often found in water.

Facts About Algae

→Algae are photosynthetic organisms, meaning they use sunlight and chlorophyll to make food.

At one time, algae were thought to be plants, but are not because they lack roots, stems and leaves.

→They live all over the world, from the oceans to the desert, and from hot springs to snow and ice.

Many things eat algae, including: fish, sea urchins, worms, snails, sea turtles, seals, crustaceans, and even humans.

→Seaweed is highly nutritious, delicious, and can be cooked with pasta, put in salads, used in meat dishes, all because of its versatility.

•Examples of algae are seaweed, kelp, and red, brown and green algae.

•An example of algae in the Pacific Ocean are the giant kelps which growing over 65 yards in length, forming a marine forest.

•An example of algae is Alginate, made from brown algae, which is used as a thickener in many food products such as ice cream and salad dressings.

•An example of algae is agar, made from red algae, which is a thickener in food products and an ingredient in time-released drugs, laxatives, shampoos and fertilizers.

→In both Algae and Fungi the latter are primarily supporting and food-conducting, and in.

Secondly, in the Algae, which build up their own food from inorganic materials, we have a differentiation.

→Several of the marine and many species of freshwater algae are peculiar to the island.

→Of the thallus, whatever its external form, by branched, continuous or septate, coenocytic tubes (Siphoneae and Fungi), or by simple or branched cell-threads (Red and many Green →Algae), in both cases growing mainly or entirely at the apex of each branch, is almost universal in.

→The algal fungi, Phycomycetes, are obviously derived from the Green Algae, while the remaining Fungi, the Eumycetes, appear to have sprung from the same stock as the Rhodophy Earth.....

Yuvii I think it's help you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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