Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

hlw what is irrelevant answer plz


Answered by Anonymous


  • Python is a computer programming language.

Examples of other programming language:

  • C++,
  • C,
  • Java,
  • Jave script,
  • HTML,
  • etc.

Programming languages are used to:

  • Coding software,
  • Coding apps/websites,
  • Development of app/websites.
  • Creating game,
  • Development of game.

Many other purpose :-)

Answered by Mysteryboy01

\huge\mathscr\red{♡Hello Friend ♡}

\huge\rm\underline\purple{Good Morning }

<font color=red>

<marquee behaviour-move><font color="meganta"><h1>Python</h1></marquee>

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace.

<marquee behaviour-move><font color="meganta"><h1>Benefits</h1></marquee>

  • Versatile, Easy to Use and Fast to Develop.

  • Open Source with a Vibrant Community.

  • Has All the Libraries You Can Imagine.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <svg width="100%" height="300px">\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <g id="R1" transform="translate(250 250)"> \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <ellipse rx="100" ry="0" opacity=".3">\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" dur="7s" from="0" to="360" repeatCount="indefinite" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <animate attributeName="cx" dur="8s" values="-20; 220; -20" repeatCount="indefinite" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <animate attributeName="ry" dur="3s" values="10; 60; 10" repeatCount="indefinite" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </ellipse>\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </g><use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(72 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(144 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(216 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(288 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </svg></body></html>

<marquee behaviour-move><font color="meganta"><h1>INCreDibLE </h1></marquee>

<marquee> <font color ="green"><h1>✌️♥️ Hope it's helps u ♥️✌️</marquee>

<marquee> <font color ="green"><h1>✌️♥️ Mark as Brainlist Answer ♥️✌️</marquee>

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