ho are Oxygen and Carbon dioxide transported in human beings
Circulation of oxygen
Oxygen is absorbed by the blood capillaries from the lungs alveoli by diffusion while carbon-dioxide is absorbed by the lungs alveoli from blood capillaries by diffusion.
Transport of oxygen and carbon-dioxide occurs with the help of respiratory pigment called hemoglobin.
Haemoglobin present in RBC is respiratory pigment in Human being which transport Oxygen molecule
its transportation done in two steps
1. internal respiration
2.external respiration
in internal respiration
when glucose is oxides to give co2
then the concentration of co2 in cells increase compare to corresponding blood which is maintained by diffusion of co2 in blood , and also o2 from blood to cell
in external respiration, when co2 dissolved in blood as carbominoheamoglobin it is transported to lungs via pulmonary artery now when carbon dioxide reaches in dissloved form in alveoli of lungs where the concentration of co2 out of blood is less and oxygen is more
sam diffusion process happens and co2 moves out from the blood to lung spaces
this is the explanation of how co2 and o2 is transported in and out if human body
it can also be seen in functioning of heart , where left atrium receive oxygenated blood and transport it to body via left ventricle
and deoxygenated blood enters in right atrium and transported to lungs via right ventricle