hoe to find square root of 29241 by division method? And it's method and solution
The value of is 171.
To find the square root of any number by using the division method, we need to break the number into parts containing pairs of numbers from right to left.
Accordingly, after breaking, the given number 29241 will be 2 92 41.
Now using the division method for finding the square roots:
1. First consider the single digit that is in the left i.e., 2. The square root nearer to 2 will be 1. Hence put 1 on its side.
2. After the first step, double the value which we get and put that value in the left side. i.e., 1×2=2. The remaining term from the first step will be 192. The square root value which is nearer to 192 will be of 27. Hence, put 7 on its right side.
3. Similarly, repeat the process until a conclusion arrives.
Hence, the value of is 171.