Psychology, asked by supriyapujahari4, 6 months ago

Hola Brainlians. Here is a question to test your aptitude ability. Please give correct answer.

If you are choosen as one day president of the country which action will you take ?

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Answered by IdyllicAurora

Solution :-

This question remains as a thought of nearly everyone who want a change in the society be it a significant or a smaller. The condition is the demand if people remain unheard. Anyways, this is just a brief idea of the question. Whatever we decide might not be same for everyone. So let's think of some general actions.

If I am choosen as an one day president of the country, I will be taking the following actions ::

Change in Education Policy :

We see that education policy of our country has become a weaker type. Institutions here try to give theoretical knowledge which might not be much significant to us to study. Whereas for a student, practical knowledge is lot essential. Practical knowledge makes a student experience the outcomes and situations of real life conditions where they need to apply their knowledge.

Change Educational Institutions :

In our country most of the colleges in any field are private institutions which demand a lot of donation money. Well asking donation if for betterment of college but asking donation in excess is not at all good since poor people who want their child to excel cannot send their child to such institutions. So as I president I would like to stop this exess donation and promote more government college.

Change in payments :

We see that the daily wage workers aren't paid regularly and the money which they deserve . So this makes a problem for them to meet their basic needs. As a president I would enforce a strict rule for the employers to pay daily wage and the deserved wage to the workers.

Social betterment to the Physically Disabled people :

Nowadays physically challeneged people are not given respect at all. They face social discrimination at a large extent. Even though there ia reservation for them, but it is limited only to certain fields. Public Vehicles are also reserved for them bur greedy drivers try to earn more money and thus take normal passengers which create problem for physically challenged people to have seat. As a president I would be enforcing a strict law against this activity.

Necessary Plantation :

Now it has become a common practice that instead of planting plants and trees in the backyard or gradens of their house, people try to cement that space for their recreation. As a president, I would enforce a law to make it compulsory to have atleast 5 trees and 10 plants in every house. If the residents cannot afford those plants or trees, then government shall be legible to give them.

Answered by mehakfriend


First thing I do is drastically reduce my dependancy

on middle east oil by going green tech all the way.

Every home will have solar panels at its roof and

rchargeable batteries in its basement and every field

will have wind turbines. Energy produced will go

directly into the grid for all to use.

Then I will start a Science Academy and harvest all

the brainacs in my country and put them in one place

with a simple project make my country self-

sufficient, self-propelled and self-reliance on all fields

within a decade. Education is free for all until

University level. Medicine is free for all unless it is

major surgery. Orphans and old people are bundled

together so they could benefit with each other

(orphans will have older generation's wisdom and love

whole older generation will benefit from the youthn's

strenght and vigor).

I bring in Internet, tell my people what I was trying to

do, ask them for suggestions and criticism. After all,

I'm doing this for them so might as well get them

involved as well.

T will get every law-enforcers (Judges, lawyers, police

officers and deputy attorney as well as human right

groups) to sit down and rewrite the laws so it could

be as humane but still strict in punishment as


Finally, when everything is in order and my country

running smoothly with everyone pitching and getting

thing done, I could resign, go quietly to a cabin in the

woods and spend my rest of my life fishing, planting

crops and walking in the woods with other God's

creatures. Who knows, maybe l get to play golf with

Obama or sit down for a tea with Narenda Modi.

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