English, asked by kartik7831, 11 months ago

hope you understand well how you (a) ___________ keep your body healthy. It is not

through good diet alone. Even the best diet (b) ____________ not give you good

health. A good diet (c) ___________ be accompanied by good exercise. Exercise (d)

___________ consist of a walk, jogging or skipping. Don't worry, exercise

(e)___________ not be taken for hours. You (f) _________spare a few minutes in the

evenings and mornings to undergo the necessary quota of exercise.

2. Milk is a complete food, full of vitamins and proteins. Children should drink it regularly

otherwise they might suffer from undernourishment. Elders (a) ___________ also take

it but those who (b)_________ not afford it (c)______________ take pulses, fruits and

vegetables as an alternative.

3. The art of cooking was made perfect in ancient India. When the people were eating

raw meat the world over, Indians used to prepare hundreds of food items from one

single commodity. Even today we know that we can prepare many items from milk

alone. It (a)___________ be curd, butter, cheese, sweets, etc. Unfortunately, this milk

producing country is running short of milk. We (b)_______________ not improve this

condition unless we pay serious attention to our milk giving cattle. We (c)___________

improve their breed by new scientific methods.

4. Dear Sir, Studies (a) ___________ be very important but health (b) ___________ never

be treated as less important. You (c) ___________ have heard the proverb 'Health is

Wealth'. Moreover, you (d) ___________ have a healthy mind, if you have a healthy

body. An unhealthy body (e) ___________ not augur well for a healthy mind. As a

result, the mind (f) ___________ turn unhealthy.

5. Seeing a crow eating a piece of bread, a fox thought how it (a) ___________ trick that

fellow. It said, "(b) ___________ I talk to you, Sir?" The crow did not even look at the

fox. The fox again said, "(c) ___________ you please pay a little attention to me? What

a nice bird you are! Your voice (d) ___________ be very sweet. I am sure you (e)

___________ sing very well." The crow who (f) ___________ not be persuaded till

then now looked at the fox. It (g)___________ have felt flattered. The crow said to itself,

"I'll show this fox how well I (h) ___________ sing." It opened its beak. The piece of

bread fell down and was eaten away quickly by the fox.​


Answered by rajabhausathe


a answer is can b answer is is c answer is is

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