Horror story in 300 words
as a single working mom her life was a bit harried but she took it all in stride. Life was good and she loved her son john more than anything else in the world. He was her raison. when John was just an infact he sucked his thumb. By age two he become attached to the silkey edge of his baby blanket. Rather than carry that heavy blanket everywhere mom made silkey toy by wrapping silkey White fabric around a soft rubber ball and securing with it a rubber band.like a Halloween decorations . john immediately become attached to his ghostie
after writing this para you can write the picture one

the red wolf
one day there lived a man who came too see his sister from a city to village. he got on the bus 3:00 pm and reached there 5:50pm. he got down and looked around at the poor village. suddenly everyoneone started running after droping their materials for cropping and harvesting. he saw the watch it was exactly 6:00 pm.he dont know what to do he was stood still. his heartbeat increased. suddenly every street light were off. the cars didnt pass by the rood. he was afraid. he then went on a narrow path. his right side is a forest his left side is half a forest and half graveyard. his frontside was the village. his back was the road. he then walked in the dark he was looking around. he fell down suddenly and he got up. he saw a light and he ran there to collect it. it a was torch light and blackin colur and very long. he caught a the extrem end of the light and he say a hand stuck to it. he got afraid and he removed the hand and ran aways a bit far from that area. he then looked back there were lots of light. he was happy that people are coming to save him. but suddenly he heard wolf howling. he was in fear and brought the light near tohimself. he screamed" oh my god it is wolves run". he was panicked he got to remember his sisters house. atlast he say the gate no and banged the door. a beautiful lady's voice appered saying that"who is this?". he was pleasure to hear her voice. she opened the door and she was pleasured to meet here brother. she was looking at the torch and she imediatly looked at the back. he asked "why are you looking" she said "my husband came with this torch. he came to see you."he just realised and cried out louldy saying that" oh my god. nooooo!!!" she asked in fear "what". he was still crying and didnt let out any information in fear she asked "who is that?" he said" i amso sry. i shouldnt have come here" she realised and she cried out loudly too.
pls mrkas brainliest