Horror story is bad please give me other one
Today was a pretty normal day, but yesterday night was way horrible. I was watching Annabelle yesterday and it was super scary, even though my sister wasnt scared, I was scared to death after the movie. I was terrified to even open the door of the shelves. Its all baloney anyways so I just made my bed and went to sleep, then kicks the worst part. The dream was horrible, more horrible than the movie. It was a dream of me walking through a road with random people with black hoodies and masks. Seems like I tried communicating with them but they dont respond, and I somehow reach a deserted road full of dried leaves scattered in the place. As I keep walking, I see a huge Bungalow, with two huge open doors. As soon as I enter it, the door shuts behind me, and the whole place becomes dark. And all the doors in the House start shaking and making creaky noises, and that scared the hell out of me in my Dream. I started to shout and scream, and from every door comes one one Annabelle with dark red eyes, then come zombies. I was extremely terrified and started screaming to death. Guess what, then when i open my eyes, my sisters like "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU! Youre not letting me sleep on a holiday". Then I get to know it was only a dream. I am never gonna think of seeing a Horror movie ever again. But when I looked at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth, my clothes were all dirty and torn. Was I really at the Abandoned House ?