horse pulls a cart along a flat road.consider the following four forces that arise in this situation:
a)the pulling force of the horse and the cart
b) the pushing force of the horse on the road
c) the pulling force of the cart on the horse
d) the pushing force of the road on the horse
suppose that the horse and the card has started from rest and as time goes on their speed increases in the same direction which one of the following conclusions correct learning the magnitude of the force is mentioned above:
1) force (a) exceeds force (c)
2) force (b) exceeds force (d)
3) force (c)is less than force (b)
4) force (c)exceeds force(d)
the one who will answer this first and correctly will be marked as brainialist....
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i think answe 3 is correct.
see when horse is pulling cart , cart is also pulling horese .
according to third law of motion,
this two will be always equal.
now friction play the major role.
now think,
horse will push the road backward so road will push the horse forwad.thats how horse move forward. now the card will pull the horse backward because horse is pulling it forward.
so here is two forrce.
road pushing horse forward and cart pulling horse backward.
so there will only be motion is force by cart less than force by road.
try to make fbd.
still can't understand, ask me in comment.
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