English, asked by mohangurung261, 10 months ago

"Hotel industry is a key aspect of tourism industry." Justify this
statement with suitable examples.​


Answered by sam5946


1) Hotel industry is one of the most Important part of tourism as because of it a lot of income is produced.

2) Most of the tourists like to stay in a hotel when they go to visit a place, in such case...hotels prove to be very useful.

3) Many people like to stay in hotels when they visit other place due to which one can earn a lot of income in a day, this contributes a lot in the tourism industry.

Ex.] In a hotel, even if 50 people come per day...then too the owner can earn a lot of income which can help in the tourism industry.

Answered by yogeshkumar49685


Tourism and the hotel industry have always gone hand in hand, and the presence of enough hotels adds value and quite a few factors to the region's economy.


The expanding tourism and hospitality industries have emerged as key growth drivers, with hotel business adding significant value. Its culture and heritage have also contributed significantly to India's tourism industry. It has enormous potential due to the country's rich diversity in ecology, terrain, and scenic wonders. Tourism is another potential source of employment, and hotels are an important part of the Hospitality Sector.

The Indian tourism and hotel industries are important growth and development drivers. The scope of the hotel industry may be threatened by the current influx of low-cost alternatives and other lodging options, but hotels remain a major player in any state's or country's tourism industry. Tourism and the hotel industry both play important roles in supporting one another and meeting their combined needs. Their relationship in the tourism industry is unquestionably vital, and both are incomplete and cannot be successful without the other.


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