How ammeter and voltmeter connected along the circuit explain?
Voltmeter is used to measure the potential energy across an element. It should be connected in parallel with that element because voltmeter have high resistance. If we connect it in series due to this high resistance the current can not flow in circuit. So overall circuit will act like an open circuit so current is zero and here we can't even calculate voltage of a particular circuit or element.
For example of we want to calculate how much voltage produced by a resistor in a closed circuit ,we have to connect a voltmeter parallelly across it, then the voltmeter will show voltage value.
Ammeter is connected in series, as current is same for all over the closed circuit. We can put ammeter any where in the circuit with series to other elements. If it is connected in parallel, Since that element have some voltage, we can get current but it is not equal to the current that is flowing in the whole circuit.
So for the conclusion it acts as a dead circuit.
Thank you.