how are fires controlled in a nuclear accidents?
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people try to overcome by using different ways by throwin water or sand or at last fire brigade is called.
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The task of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) as the national authority re-sponsible for oversight of the safety of the use of nuclear energy is based on the Nuclear Energy Act (990/1987) [1] and the Nuclear Energy Decree (161/1988) [2]. STUK's general oversight proce-dures in regulating nuclear facilities are given in Guide YVL A.1. STUK’s oversight includes the oversight of the fire protection arrangements of nuclear facilities in so far as they affect the nu-clear and radiation safety of the facilities.102. The Government Decree (717/2013) [3] pre-sents requirements for the safety design of nucle-ar power plants: Section 12 requires implementa-tion of the defence in depth principles to prevent accidents and to mitigate their consequences; Section 18 requires that the internal events to be considered include at least fire, floods, explosions and component failures; Section 19 presents requirements for the nuclear power plant’s con-trol room arrangements; Sections 21-26 present requirements for the nuclear power plant’s con-struction, commissioning, operation, processing of operational experiences, safety research and the Operational Limits and Conditions; Sections 28–30 present requirements for the organisation and personnel of a nuclear power plant.103. The Government Decree (736/2008) [4] pre-sents requirements for the safety design of the final disposal of nuclear waste: to prevent op-erational occurrences and accidents, Section 8 requires, among other things, that in a nuclear waste facility, the placement and protection of systems alongside operative methods shall ensure that fire, explosions or other events inside the facility do not pose a threat to safety; Sections 17 and 18 present requirements for the construction, commissioning and operation of a nuclear facility.104. The Ministry of the Environment issues tech-nical regulations and guidelines on construction and structural fire protection [7]. The building inspection authority in each municipality sees to it that the regulations and guidelines issued by the Ministry are complied with in all construc-tion activities.105. Leadership and control of fire and rescue services, as well as the availability and qual-ity of its services, rests with the Ministry of the Interior; the Ministry is also responsible for the preparation and arrangement of fire and rescue services at national level; and for co-ordination of the performance of different ministries in-volved in the fire and rescue services under the Rescue Act (379/2011) [8] and the Government Decree (407/2011) on fire and rescue services [9]. Regional State Administrative Agencies are responsible for the duties of rescue services in their sphere of activity. Municipalities are re-sponsible in co-operation for fire and rescue ser-vices in a region determined by the Government (regional fire and rescue services). As regards the requirements, design, installation, maintenance, inspection and demonstration of conformity of the equipment of the rescue services, the Rescue Equipment Act (10/2007) [10] shall be observed.106. The Government Decree (917/1996) [11] and the Ministry of Trade and Industry Decision (918/1996) [12] present the requirements for equipment and protective systems intend-ed for potentially explosive atmospheres. The Government Decree (576/2003) [13] presents the requirements for prevention of personnel hazards caused by potentially explosive atmospheres. The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (TUKES) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health provide guidelines on the application of the ATEX legislation in Finland [14].1 0 7. STUK’s activities do not affect any oversight activities required in the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999) [5], the Land Use and Building Decree (895/1999) [6], the Rescue Act (379/2011) [8] and the Government Decree (407/2011) on Rescue Services [9 ], unless otherwise agreed be-tween the authorities.
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