How Auxin increase
respiration. Reason.
Auxin causes cells to
In roots, where auxin tends to inhibit cell elongation, auxin accumulates on the lower side in roots oriented perpendicularly to gravity, causing these cells to elongate less and the root to bend toward gravity.
Auxins used in suitable concentration (usually stronger than when used for rooting cuttings) selectively destroy some species of plant and leave others more or less unaffected.
Growth Hormones
Auxins and cytokinins are major growth promoters and morphogens (Table 3-7, Fig. 3-12). Auxin, or indoleacetic acid, is synthesized in young leaves and in developing seeds from the amino acid tryptophan. In this portion of the plant, it is responsible for apical dominance and opening stomata, pores through which gaseous exchange takes place and water vapor is lost. It also travels downs the phloem to reach the roots. Growth is achieved by activating polysaccharide hydrolases that increase the extensibility of the cell wall, which allows for cell enlargement.
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