How boys and girls brought up in India for the division of labour?
Boys are taught from childhood to work and earn a living for the household whereas girls are taught how to take care of everyone in the house, how to cook and maintain the kitchen and house, basically she is taught how to be a house maker.
But now, the scenario is changing, we can now say that both girls and boys are taught the same thing, how to be independent. Though there are still a few places where girls are still bound to stay and work in the home only and are not allowed to work outside and earn a living.
The most common tale on the origins of the Silkworm begins in 2640 B.C. when Si-Ling-Chi, a Chinese Empress was simply walking through her garden, when a 'cocoon' (of a Silkworm) dropped into her tea. Upon picking it up, she found the cocoon begun to unravel, forming a beautiful string of what is now known as 'Silk'.