English, asked by sarmisat34, 8 months ago

How can minor amendments be made in minutes?​


Answered by sukhmanbrar3

Minor changes may be made immediately using the normal amendment procedures, and the amended minutes may be approved "as amended". It is normally appropriate to send a draft copy of the minutes to all the members in advance of the meeting so that the meeting is not delayed by a reading of the draft.

Answered by RajnishKumarsinha


Mark as brainlist


A recording secretary tasked with taking minutes for a board meeting always wants to get it right, but sometimes a mistake is made. Minutes serve as the official record of business transacted and resolutions adopted at a corporation’s board of director’s meetings. They capture board actions such as approvals, delegations of authority and directives. In the event that an important point is missed or incorrectly recorded, corrections can be made by following a few steps.


When learning of a mistake, the first step is to make sure an error actually occurred. Talk with the person who identified the error to ensure you fully understand the desired correction. Cross-check your notes and ask others if you are still unclear about the need or the wording for the proposed change. In cases of a simple mistake like a misspelled word, this step can be shortened or eliminated.

Rewrite and Redistribute

After determining an error was made, reopen the meeting minute document and correct the mistake. Distribute the amended version to the board members. If mailing, attach a cover letter stating that the enclosed minutes are a revision and should replace the previous document. Write an introduction stating the same when attaching the document to an email distribution.

Corrections Made Before Approval

When following parliamentary procedure, your minutes are approved and entered into the official record at the next subsequent meeting. If an error is pointed out before the following meeting, a motion is made to approve the minutes as corrected. It is not necessary to specify what the correction was, just that the version submitted for approval is a corrected version. After the motion is passed, the revised minutes are considered approved, signed by the secretary and entered into the official record.

Corrections Needed After Approval

Corrections to meeting minutes can be made when they are first distributed, considered for approval, or even after they have been approved. If the minutes have already been approved, then a "Motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted" will need to be made and considered at a subsequent meeting. If this motion is adopted, amend the previously approved minutes by making the appropriate correction. Since approved, the minutes are signed by the secretary of the board and thereafter become the official record of the meeting. The secretary maintains the minutes file for future access by the board or other members.

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