English, asked by nitinpranjal98pam5sd, 1 year ago

how can trees save the Earth from global warming and climate change write it in 500 words


Answered by NITIN1223456789
Forests play an important an important role in climate change. The destruction and degradation of forests contributes to the problem through the release of CO2. But the planting of new forests can help mitigate against climate change by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Combined with the sun's energy, the captured carbon is converted into trunks, branches, roots and leaves via the process of photosynthesis. It is stored in this "biomass" until being returned back into the atmosphere, whether through natural processes or human interference, thus completing the carbon cycle.

Tree planting and plantation forestry are well established both in the private and public sectors. The most recent data released by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation suggest that plantation forests comprised an estimated 7% of global forest area in 2010. Most of these forests were established in areas that were previously not under forest cover, at least in recent years. Trees are also planted as part of efforts to restore natural forests as well as in agroforestry, which involves increasing tree cover on agricultural land and pastures.

Under certain conditions plantations can grow relatively fast, thus absorbing CO2 at higher rates than natural forests. In the absence of major disturbances, newly planted or regenerating forests can continue to absorb carbon for 20–50 years or more. In comparison to preventing the loss of natural forests, however, tree planting has the potential to make only a limited contribution to reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. In 2000, the IPCC gathered the available evidence for a special report which concluded that tree-planting could sequester (remove from the atmosphere) around 1.1–1.6 GT of CO2 per year. That compares to total global greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 50 GT of CO2 in 2004.


Unlike measures to reduce deforestation, tree planting and reforestation were included as activities eligible for finance under the Kyoto protocol. Kyoto's rules and procedures, however, restricted the scale and scope of these activities. As a result, projects have struggled to get off the ground and the carbon sequestered has been almost negligible. Outside of Kyoto, some tree-planting projects established to absorb CO2 have turned out to be nonviable due to the cost of acquiring inputs or protecting young trees from fire, drought, pests or diseases. The cost of land is another barrier to widespread tree-planting, especially where there is competition with other land uses such as food or biofuel production.

As negotiations over the future of Kyoto continue, the extent of the possible role of tree planting in a future climate change framework remains unclear. Tree planting is, however, unlikely to be implemented on a scale to reach even the relatively modest potential contribution outlined by the IPPC – especially in the absence of a high carbon price.
Answered by bandameedipravalika0



Given how frequently the word "global warming" is used in today's society, you must have heard it by now. Additionally, it has developed into a highly serious environmental problem that we must address right away. We shall soon find it difficult to exist on this planet if we do not stop it immediately. To stop global warming, every individual must make a similar contribution. In a similar way, we need to pinpoint the root causes of this risky occurrence and make a concerted effort to come up with remedies. Aside from that, all acts that contribute to global warming must be stopped right away.


  • Global warming is being caused by a variety of actions. The main causes of this destructive event are human actions.
  • Global warming is being brought on by rising quantities of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Additionally, this issue is being exacerbated by the rise in greenhouse gases.
  • Moreover, the production of gases from using hot water for various tasks like cleaning, bathing, and more contributes to it. The usage of regular light bulbs rather than LED lights is the next step that significantly contributes to global warming.
  • The way users leave their electronic gadgets unattended when not in use also has a significant impact.
  • Most significantly, taking down trees and other plants all around the world just makes the environment worse. The manner in which we burn wood and fossil fuels simply exacerbates the problem of global warming.
  • Similar to this, global warming is brought on by excessive usage of vehicles that emit dangerous pollutants into the atmosphere. To ensure the safety of the future for our future generations, we must embrace an eco-friendly lifestyle in order to stop global warming.
  • To stop global warming and safeguard our world, there are numerous adjustments we can make in our lives, both major and little.
  • First and foremost, we must halt all sorts of deforestation. Continued tree cutting will only aggravate the air's carbon dioxide content. Instead, support more tree planting to achieve a delicate equilibrium in nature.
  • Further, it lowers energy consumption globally. Whether you are at home or at the workplace, the more energy utilised, the more carbon dioxide is produced. Therefore, since wasting power involves burning fossil fuels, avoid doing so.
  • Fossil fuel combustion causes greenhouse gases to quickly build up in the atmosphere, which causes global warming. Additionally, minimise your carbon footprint by taking fewer flights.
  • Most essential, switch out all of your regular bulbs for LED ones. It will significantly reduce the amount of energy used. Don't waste that energy in the same way. We need to immediately lessen our reliance on fossil fuels and power rather than increasing it.
  • Choose environmentally friendly alternatives like solar and wind power. Become used to recycling and reusing. Never toss anything away; instead, learn how to utilise it appropriately.
  • Additionally, carpool with your family, friends, and neighbours to reduce your impact on the emissions and exhausts of vehicles.


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