how can we eridicate proverty?
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Easy, just suppress reproduction among the poor. This would leave every child who comes into the world belonging to a family who has a surplus, which can then be passed on. This would solve poverty permanently within 2 generations. The few exceptions, such as medical emergencies which require all of a family’s wealth to pay, could be solved through charities. Either way, the % of people in absolute poverty has been drastically declining in the past century.
Priority actions on poverty eradication include:
- improving access to sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities and productive resources;
- providing universal access to basic social services;
- progressively developing social protection systems to support those who cannot support themselves;
- empowering people living in poverty and their organizations;
- addressing the disproportionate impact of poverty on women;
- working with interested donors and recipients to allocate increased shares of ODA to poverty eradication; and
- intensifying international cooperation for poverty eradication.
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improving access to sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities and productive resources;
providing universal access to basic social services;
progressively developing social protection systems to support those who cannot support themselves
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