Science, asked by vanusharma2222, 2 months ago

how can we make convex mirror​


Answered by muhammedalijawharn


Step 1.Spray paint the ceiling medallion. It took two coats for me to get sufficient coverage over the dark brown.

Step 2. Glaze the ceiling medallion using Burnt Umber craft paint that has been thinned down with just a tiny amount of water. I used the wipe it on, wipe it off method until I achieved the amount of glazing

Step 3. Very carefully, remove the mirror from the metal encasing by first cutting away the rubber gasket with the box cutter. Make sure you cut away from your body not toward yourself!

Step 4. Again, very carefully, pull back the metal edges with the pliers. Do this all the way around the mirror. What you’re trying to do is to free the mirror from what is holding it in place

Step 5. Ever so gently, slip the edge of the box cutter behind the edges of the mirror to gently lift it out. This is what you will be left with

Answered by GC5

How can you make a convex mirror?

The easiest way to make a convex/concave mirror is to take a spoon. The inner part (where you put soup in) it’s a concave mirror, the outer part is convex.

You can even do experiments with a spoon.

Take it and flip it so that you see you reflection from the outer side of the spoon. Now move your finger near to the spoon, you’ll see the image of the finger in the spoon always smaller than the real dimensions.

Now flip the spoon and take the inner surface, and repeat your “experiment”. Now you’ll see the image gettin bigger while you move the finger near to the spoon. Then, at a certain distance. the image will be spread to the whole surface. Moving it further the image would flip upside-down, and start to get smaller.

That’s basic optical physics, done with a spoon.

Note that the fact that a convex mirror always shrinks images is used in many real-life applications: cars mirror sometimes are convex, big mirrors are used in dangerous crossroads, inside buses there are convex mirror, …

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