how can we separate of mixture of two misible liquid
Hey Mate Heres the ans ;
How can we separate a mixture of two miscible liquids?
Take the mixture in a distillation flask. Fit it with a thermometer.
Arrange the apparatus as shown in Fig
Heat the mixture slowly keeping a close watch at the thermometer.
The acetone vaporizes, condenses in the condenser and can be collected from the condenser outlet.
Water is left behind in the distillation flask.
This method is called distillation. It is used for the separation of components of a mixture containing two miscible liquids that boil without decomposition and have sufficient difference in their boiling points.
To separate a mixture of two or more miscible liquids for which the difference in boiling points is less than 25 K, fractional distillation process is used, for example, for the separation of different gases from air, different fractions from petroleum products etc. The apparatus is similar to that for simple distillation, except that a fractionating column is fitted in between the distillation flask and the condenser.
A simple fractionating column is a tube packed with glass beads. The beads provide surface for the vapours to cool and condense repeatedly, as shown in Figure...
we can separate the mixture of two misible liquid by the process of fractional distillation
I think it help you