how can you contribute for the national development in 300 words .
I will contribute to them who are poor
don't have jobs and the poor children who are labour and can't study
I will contribute to the widow women's to whom people are behaving bad
itna hee ata hai frend
bye bye
have a great day ahead
Become an entrepreneur. ...
Become an entrepreneur. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...
Become an entrepreneur. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...
Become an entrepreneur. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...
Become an entrepreneur. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...
Become an entrepreneur. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Celebrate life. ...
Become an entrepreneur. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Celebrate life. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Celebrate life. ...Consider supply chains when you buy. ...
Become an entrepreneur. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Celebrate life. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Celebrate life. ...Consider supply chains when you buy. ...Become an entrepreneur. ...Buy small. ...Update your home. ...Donate to educational organizations and charities. ...Order takeout. ...Celebrate life. ...Consider supply chains when you buy. ...Outsource what you can.
hope you it helpful
have a great day