how can you describe civil government in the Philippines
The steps leading to the substitution of civil government for
military rule in the Philippines form one of the most interesting
and suggestive studies in political science. At no time since the
Reconstruction period have the elasticity and adaptability of our
political ideas been more conspicuously shown. Had the situation in the Philippines been the same as in Porto Rico, the problem
would have been comparatively simple. Civil government could
have been established in the civilized portions of the islands, while
in the less advanced sections tribal organization and tribal rule
would have been preserved. For both of these situations there
were ample precedents in the administration of territorial affairs
and in the management of the Indian and Alaskan tribes. The
development of an insurrectionary movement completely changed
the character of the problem. It prevented the treaty of peace
from having its full legal effect on the civil rights of the inhabitants and left the military government in undisturbed enjoyment of
its absolute powers.
In spite of the disturbances and the threatened spread of the
rebellious spirit, the authorities at Washington were anxious 'to introduce gradually the benefits of civil rule. This would serve the
two-fold purpose of giving to the natives a concrete and positive
assurance of the benevolent intentions of the United States and at
the same time quiet the feeling against military rule, which was
showing itself with considerable force at home.