Biology, asked by skn1538, 1 year ago

how changes of temperature effect living organisms in water


Answered by Mayhem
Changes in temperature affect aquatic life. Temperature determines which organisms will thrive and which will diminish in numbers and size. For each organism there is a thermal death point. Also there is a range of temperature of that produces optimal abundance. The effects of temperature upon life of a cold blooded or poikilotherm are profound. Poikilothermic animals, such as fish, are those whose body temperatures follow closely the temperature of their medium.

These animals have coped with temperature problems in different ways. Not only the organism survival, but growth and reproduction of each organism have critical temperature ranges. Each organism must be favored by the proper temperature if the individual or its population are going to survive. For instance, temperature influences enzymatic reactions through hormonal and nervous control to digestion, from respiration and osmoregulation to all aspects of an organism’s performance and behavior.

High and low temperatures that are lethal to individual organism of a species determines the distribution and abundance it’s populations. However, more often the distribution and abundance of populations is determined by less than lethal temperatures interacting with other environmental factors that either tend to favor or not to favor reproduction and growth.

Increased water temperature is an important consideration when toxic substances are present in water. Many substances (i.e. cyanides, phenol, xylene, zinc) exhibit increased toxicity at elevated temperatures. These toxicities and other physiological interactions are also influenced by temperature acclimation or history of the species.

Most changes in water temperature as a result of land use activity generally trend upward. An exception is the release of cold bottom water from stratified artificial impoundments that may alter the flora and fauna for many miles downstream from a dam. Most other activities generally raise the temperature of receiving waters with the following effects:
(a) Higher temperatures diminish the solubility of dissolved oxygen and thus decrease the availability of this essential gas.
(b) Elevated temperatures increase the metabolism, respiration and oxygen demand of fish and other aquatic life, approximately doubling the respiration for a 10° C. rise in temperature. Hence the demand for oxygen is increased under conditions where oxygen supply is lowered.
(c) The solubility of many toxic substances is increased as well as intensified as the temperature rises.
(d) Higher temperatures militate against desirable fish life by favoring the growth of sewage fungus and the putrification of sludge deposits, and finally
(e) even with adequate dissolved oxygen, there is a maximum temperature that each species of fish or other organism can tolerate. Higher temperatures produce death. The maximum temperatures that adult fish can tolerate vary with the species of fish, prior acclimatization, oxygen availability and the synergistic effects of other pollutants.

This is the main distinction between the cold-water and warm-water fishes. Cold-water fishes may begin breeding at very low temperatures – only a few degrees above freezing for salmon, trout, and grayling. Whereas many warm water species start to breed only at much higher temperatures, and so are successful only in places where high temperatures are available long enough for breeding and early development.

Trout eggs will not hatch over 14.4° C. Chinook Salmon eggs fare well at 16° C., but suffer mortalities at 18° C. Rocky Mountain Whitefish eggs are affected at 20-21° C., and the MTL for Herring larvae varies from 22-24° C. It is apparent therefore, that many fish are unable to complete their life cycles unless the temperatures at the time of their spawning and hatching are 10-15° C. below the median tolerance limit.

As stated earlier, fish have optimum temperatures for rates of growth and reproduction. Given a choice, they also show preference for water of a definite temperature range. The following optimum or preferred temperatures have been reported.

Optimum or Preferred
Common Name of Fish Temperature, ° C.
Rainbow trout 13
Chum salmon 13.5
Sockeye salmon 15
Lake trout 15-17
Coho salmon 20
Greenthroat darter 20-23
Largemouth bass 22-25
Roach 23-24
Guppy 23-25
Carp 32
Answered by pramita8759
living organism in water are aquatic they cannot adapt themselves to other environment as there bofy temperature is too cold..which changes in a huge manner when they come in contqctvwith a warm thing or even in a cold place than they are...the veins could not take and it bursts inside they die
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