English, asked by miscacc9415, 9 months ago

How common wear the skull there at which place many of them could be found from the poem after balle ham


Answered by Anonymous

&lt;html&gt;</p><p>&lt;head&gt;</p><p>&lt;style&gt;</p><p>#grad1 {</p><p>height: 500px;</p><p>background-color: red; /* For browsers that do not support gradients */</p><p>background-image: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet); /* Standard syntax (must be last) */</p><p>}</p><p>&lt;/style&gt;</p><p>&lt;/head&gt;</p><p>&lt;body&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;div id="grad1" style="text-align:center;margin:auto;color:White;font-size:30px;font-weight:bold"&gt;</p><p>&lt;br&gt; </p><p>&lt;/br&gt;In Southey's poem “After Blenheim”, the skulls of the dead soldiers are presented to bring out the pity of war. Here the skulls are all common — 'large and smooth and round' — as the poet repeats it in the second stanza.</p><p>&lt;/div&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;/body&gt;</p><p>&lt;/html&gt;

Answered by mastermimd2



The skulls were a common  sight there. Many of them could be found in the garden or in the field that Kasper used to plough.

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