English, asked by kamalvarma96179, 3 months ago

how could father William still do somersaults at his age​


Answered by sadika1324


1. The young man objects to Father William standing on his head


a. Father William is too weak to be able to do so.

b. Father William is too fat to be able to do.

c. Father William is too old to try such tricks.

2. Why does Father William continue to stand on his head?

a. because that will make his brain sharper

b. because the doctor has advised him to do so

c. because he is confident he has no brain to injure

3. What is the most surprising thing in the line, “Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door"?

a. Father William turning a somersault in a small area like the doorway

b. Father William turning a somersault in spite of his age and bulk

c. Father William wishing to make a somersault at his age

What is the next unexpected thing about old Father William?

a. that he is still able to eat a goose and chew its bones and beak

b. that he still likes to eat goose during his meals

c. that he likes to eat soft food like suet puddings

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