How could you be sure you have located a section of DNA that encodes for a protein?
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Before double stranded DNA is turned into a protein it first goes through a process called transcription to turn DNA into single stranded RNA
RNA is an important link between DNA and protein because RNA codons
give the code for the building blocks of protein. These building blocks are called Amino Acids
. There are 20 amino acids and they form chains called polypeptides.
RNA codons are read by your biological machinery and turned into polypeptides through a process called translation.
The amino acid codes that are determined during translation are extremely important because the structure of a protein ultimately depends on its amino acid sequence. The reason myosin proteins and antibody proteins that recognize foreign invaders look so differently is because they have different amino acid sequences that determine the structural properties of each protein.
In the same way that amino acid sequence determines a protein’s structure, the structure of a protein plays a huge role in that protein’s function. For example, myosin protein structure consists of two myosin “heads” that allow myosin to “walk” across another muscle protein to allow the muscle fiber to contract . Some common functions for proteins include acting as muscle motors, enzymes, hormones, transporters for cells, structural support for cells, and antibodies. Each of these different types of proteins have a different structure that helps it to accomplish its function. They also each have different amino acid sequences that allow for their structures to be different.
RNA is an important link between DNA and protein because RNA codons
give the code for the building blocks of protein. These building blocks are called Amino Acids
. There are 20 amino acids and they form chains called polypeptides.
RNA codons are read by your biological machinery and turned into polypeptides through a process called translation.
The amino acid codes that are determined during translation are extremely important because the structure of a protein ultimately depends on its amino acid sequence. The reason myosin proteins and antibody proteins that recognize foreign invaders look so differently is because they have different amino acid sequences that determine the structural properties of each protein.
In the same way that amino acid sequence determines a protein’s structure, the structure of a protein plays a huge role in that protein’s function. For example, myosin protein structure consists of two myosin “heads” that allow myosin to “walk” across another muscle protein to allow the muscle fiber to contract . Some common functions for proteins include acting as muscle motors, enzymes, hormones, transporters for cells, structural support for cells, and antibodies. Each of these different types of proteins have a different structure that helps it to accomplish its function. They also each have different amino acid sequences that allow for their structures to be different.
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