How critical thinking skills help to reduce prejudice?
It just comes down to the point that children don't usually get to pick what they believe so you can't really state your opinion on things like that to them unless it's for an assignment on which you have to state an opinion.
Helping of critical thinking skills to reduce the prejudice:
For the instance, some of them talk about the "successful interventions" for improving the "intergroup relations" in "post-conflict societies", that can be dealing with the tensions which often "spills over into actual conflict", and we can also assume which these are likely to be more 'reactive' than the preventative.
For the summary and analysis purposes, the interventions which are frequently studied and thay are useful for the report and can be "roughly divided" into three types:
- Educational strategies ( but it isn't limited to the "school-based interventions").
- Short-term diversity training courses.
- Media campaigns.
To know more:
How to develop critical thinking skills in adults?