History, asked by Neerajakani5507, 11 months ago

How did industrilation effect forest


Answered by DevanshiAgnihotri

The impact on environment was a one of the effects of the industrial revolution. It led to pollution, diminished wildlife, and the ravaging of oceans and forests. Another result was the enlargement sweatshops and factories. A dilemma with the factories were the working conditions they had to tackle with.Reduction in sustainability (ecological and social). Industrialisation increases the amount of finite resources consumed. It also disrupts natural social patterns that have existed in human society for thousands of years and can be directly linked to many of the social problems prevalent in society today. Social issues include migrant labour, child labour, degraded family structures, breakdown of traditional community structures, an increase in the wealth gap and vulnerability to exploitation. The system is also vulnerable to disruptions in the chain of supply. For example, when the 2011 tsunami hit Japan, car manufacturers around the world suffered major production loss as supplies of vital components made in Japan were stopped for weeks. An industrial society relies on long, fragile chains of supply and is not self-sufficient in nature. A further problem is the drive for absolute profits and growth over sustainability. An industrial model requires investment, and investors expect constant growth and profits. Whereas a pre-industrial family business is willing to take the good years with the bad, any downturn in an industrial economy is very disruptive and can cause widespread economic hardship as people are laid off work and factories are closed as they are seen as a liability by investors. Industrialisation also increases the destructive effects of war. Without an industrial base, long term, highly destructive wars (total war) would not be feasible - although war has always existed and has always been destructive to some degree.

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