How did jim handle the situation
The last scene in this episode (“Michael Scott Paper Company”) regarding the rundown is where Jim comes in with a “rundown" (which is clearly just guesswork based on his mannerisms) and is asking for some extra guidance. Charles tells Jim (without having looked at the “rundown”) to fax it to the “distribution list”. It cuts to a clip of Jim using a fax machine, where he says “I'm just faxing… my dad… a rundown.” Essentially, it's unresolved. We could draw 3 main conclusions, but the most likely reality is that he never sends it out:
He doesn't even know who is on the “distribution list” or what that is, and thus can't send them what he has.
He is too embarrassed to send them a “rundown” when he doesn't know what it is, and is simply faxing his dad so Charles will think he's faxing it out.
He is hoping his dad may present some help in this situation for some reason. An unlikely possibility, but one I'm not ruling out.
I hope it will help you