English, asked by satyam38, 1 year ago

how did jo want the roger skunk stoty to end?why?


Answered by Anonymous
Jo is a four year old child. She does not take as true whatever is said to her. She wants to know the reason of things. Her father tells her the story of Roger Skunk who smells very bad. Other animals run away from him because he smells so bad. Roger Skunk is very unhappy. He goes to a wizard and requests him to make his smell like roses. The wizard uses a spell and make him smell like roses. But when he goes home, his mommy gets very angry. She goes to wizard and hits him on the head. The wizard makes Roger Skunk's smell bad again. Now, Jo does not accept this ending of the story. She wants the wizard to hit mommy.
Answered by SHRUTHIKA01

Jo was not convinced with the ending of the story and coaxed her father to retell the story the next day giving the story a predetermined path that she had set. According to her, neither Roger Skunk nor the wizard was wrong in the story. Jo refused to accept the end where Roger Skunk's mother hits the wizard and that too without being hit back. She wanted the story to end with the wizard hitting back the mother skunk with his magic wand and chopping off her arms 'forcely’.
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