How did London become a prime city of Europe?
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The London became the capital city of Europe because during that time it has grown to one of the world most significant financial and cultural capital cities.It has with stood plague ,devastating fire civil war ,aerial bombardment terrorist attacks and rioting
May be I think so
May be I think so
Can you please write give the answer in 3 or 5 points
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The king moved around so much during the Dark Ages that the definition of the capital city wasn't nearly as definitive it is now. In effect, it was just where the king could be found when he wasn't somewhere else. Winchester was the capital of the kingdom of Wessex, and when England was united in 927 AD, it was kept as the capital of the whole kingdom.
The shift was gradual, not overnight. Edward the Confessor built Westminster Abbey in London, and also established a royal palace there in addition to the one he had at Winchester. Then William the Conqueror built various defenses there against rebellions from Saxons lords, most notably the Tower of London. Finally, William II started building Westminster Hall (which still stands) and the English parliament began meeting there in 1265. This was what really cemented London as the new capital.
I think one factor in the shift was that Winchester was the seat of the old Saxon aristocracy for centuries, but William the Conqueror was a Norman and he almost certainly expected there to be a lot of travel back to Normandy after he became king. Winchester is landlocked. London is a major port city from which it is easy to get to France.
He might have picked Portsmouth, which had been a great port since Roman times, but Portsmouth is not a good place from which to control the rest of the country -- it's as far south as you can get. London is a bit more central and yet still a port. London is where it is because it is the first point on the River Thames where it was narrow enough to build a bridge across it. The Romans built the first bridge in 50 AD.
The shift was gradual, not overnight. Edward the Confessor built Westminster Abbey in London, and also established a royal palace there in addition to the one he had at Winchester. Then William the Conqueror built various defenses there against rebellions from Saxons lords, most notably the Tower of London. Finally, William II started building Westminster Hall (which still stands) and the English parliament began meeting there in 1265. This was what really cemented London as the new capital.
I think one factor in the shift was that Winchester was the seat of the old Saxon aristocracy for centuries, but William the Conqueror was a Norman and he almost certainly expected there to be a lot of travel back to Normandy after he became king. Winchester is landlocked. London is a major port city from which it is easy to get to France.
He might have picked Portsmouth, which had been a great port since Roman times, but Portsmouth is not a good place from which to control the rest of the country -- it's as far south as you can get. London is a bit more central and yet still a port. London is where it is because it is the first point on the River Thames where it was narrow enough to build a bridge across it. The Romans built the first bridge in 50 AD.
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