English, asked by shubhamjoshi6646, 10 months ago

How did people laugh in older days


Answered by faraanahmedhashmi

In older days people laughed through their mouth and even today..

shivangi8942: great answer!!!
faraanahmedhashmi: thanks..
faraanahmedhashmi: i think the person who asked this question is a fool..
shivangi8942: You are welcome.
shivangi8942: no.....I don't think so that he is fool or intelligent
shivangi8942: Everything thing should come under question mark ....
shivangi8942: If we think deeply then the early people even didn't know what is actually tge laughing. Tge reason is that they did not know how to speak, Therefore they use sings fir expression of thoughts and opinion. Then after a long time , words come into existence. Therefore as tge question raised how early people began to speak in the same way the question also raised that how they began to laugh?
shivangi8942: tge not it is the {autocorrection}
Answered by shivangi8942
I think in older days , people laugh in the same way as we do. But if we talk about the Ancient era then we find that the early people even didn't know what is laughing. Laughing may came into existence when we discovered words and begin to speak. And if we talk about India then expecially in hindism we found that words came from the sound of lord Shiva's Damru. And then it become sound in sanskrit. And that sound or words help to make language. In ancient time, we found Vedas, and many more great inscription. So it is clear that we become intelligent Enough to bring expression from our mind. Therefore, the people began to laugh as usual .
A very interesting fact in Indian history is that , every one is familiar with the name of Ghiyas ud din Balban, who was the sultan of Delhi in medival history. He hate laughing!! If any person in his court laugh then he behaded him . Even in his whole year people told that he never laugh .!!!
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