CBSE BOARD XII, asked by bharti971979, 7 months ago

How did rulling party of zimbabwe deal with opposition party in short answer


Answered by karunsiddharth26


please mark me as brainlist

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The Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU–PF) is a political organisation which has been the ruling party of Zimbabwe since independence in 1980. The party was led for many years under Robert Mugabe, first as Prime Minister with the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and then as President from 1987 after the merger with the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU) and retaining the name ZANU–PF, until 2017, when he was removed as leader.

Answered by jamaludeen0754


The ruling party or governing party or political party in a democratic parliamentary system is the political party or coalition holding a majority of elected positions in a parliament ,that administers the affaira of state.....

thank you......

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