English, asked by sambit13, 1 year ago

How did sidda help in her bed time?​


Answered by joybiswas100



Fazlerabbi Khandakar

Fazlerabbi Khandakar

Leela’s Friend5 Marks Questions - Answers

1.How do Mr. And Mrs. Sivasanker react to Leela’s missin chain? How does Leela herself react? What does this suggest about each of them? Ans.

When Mrs. Sivasanker notices the gold chain to be missing rom the neck o Leela! shecan hardl" control hersel and sla#s Leela or it. She immediatel" calls or Sidda and thinkinghim to have stolen the chain threatens him mentioning the #olice. $n bieng inormed o it Mr.Sivasanker at once lodges a com#laint in the #olice station. %hough Mr. And Mrs. Sivasanker hold Sidda res#onsible or the thieving o the chain! Leelais least bothered about the missing o the chain. She wants Sidda b" her side to lull her toslee#. %he missing o the gold chain shows the hidden #ersons in them. Mr. And Mrs. Sivasankerare ver" much materialistic. &uman relation and understanding bears no meaning or them.$n the other hand! or Leela it is ar better than an" materialistic wealth.

!."#o$ he hasn’t taken it%& '' Who said this? How far was the s(eaker right in assessing the character of the concerned (erson? Ans.

%he 'uoted sentence was said b" Leela! the (ve-"ear-old daughter o Mr. And Mrs.Sivasanker. Leeela was actuall" too "oung to )udge an" #erson b" the ace. She was not accustomedwith the wa"s o the norm-setters o the societ". So! on (rst meeting! when Mr. And Mrs.Sivasanker considered him not to be worse as a servant than the others the" had! Leela atonce re'uested her #arents not to send him awa". She #la"ed with him and his com#an"made her su#remel" ha##". %he develo#ed an emotional relationshi#. With her childishsim#licit" Leela could see an honest man in Sidda! that others couldn’t have. So! though Mr.And Mrs. Sivasanker took him or the thie o the gold chain! she didn’t believe in it.Sur#risingl"! we see that Leela was right as the gold chain was ound inside te tamarind #ot inthe kitchen.

)."He looked at her mutel*$ like an animal.& '' Who was +he’? Wh* did he look at her mutel*? ,iscuss brie-* the bond of relationshi( between them? Ans.

&ere he is Sidda! the servant o the Sivasankers. Sidda was taken beore the Sivasankers to coness that he had stolen the chain. Sidda hadnot taken the chain! "et! he thought! Leela might believe him to be the thie. &e had nothingto #rove his innocence. &e was hel#less in the hand o law. So! he looked at her mutel". Sidda had to do various chores in the Sivasankers’ house rom washing clothes! tendingthe garden! running errands and cho##ing the wood. *et! he uttered an" words o anno"anceas Leela was with him all the time. %he" #la"ed in the garden! ound #leasure ollowing themoon and s#ending time with catalogues!and illustrated books. At night! Sidda told herincom#arable stories which lulled her to slee#. %hus! the" built u# a relation o trust betweenthem. %his strong aith made Leela #rotest against the in)ustice done to Sidda b" taking himawa" to the #olice station.

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