How did sidda help in her bed time?
Fazlerabbi Khandakar
Fazlerabbi Khandakar
Leela’s Friend5 Marks Questions - Answers
1.How do Mr. And Mrs. Sivasanker react to Leela’s missin chain? How does Leela herself react? What does this suggest about each of them? Ans.
When Mrs. Sivasanker notices the gold chain to be missing rom the neck o Leela! shecan hardl" control hersel and sla#s Leela or it. She immediatel" calls or Sidda and thinkinghim to have stolen the chain threatens him mentioning the #olice. $n bieng inormed o it Mr.Sivasanker at once lodges a com#laint in the #olice station. %hough Mr. And Mrs. Sivasanker hold Sidda res#onsible or the thieving o the chain! Leelais least bothered about the missing o the chain. She wants Sidda b" her side to lull her toslee#. %he missing o the gold chain shows the hidden #ersons in them. Mr. And Mrs. Sivasankerare ver" much materialistic. &uman relation and understanding bears no meaning or them.$n the other hand! or Leela it is ar better than an" materialistic wealth.
!."#o$ he hasn’t taken it%& '' Who said this? How far was the s(eaker right in assessing the character of the concerned (erson? Ans.
%he 'uoted sentence was said b" Leela! the (ve-"ear-old daughter o Mr. And Mrs.Sivasanker. Leeela was actuall" too "oung to )udge an" #erson b" the ace. She was not accustomedwith the wa"s o the norm-setters o the societ". So! on (rst meeting! when Mr. And Mrs.Sivasanker considered him not to be worse as a servant than the others the" had! Leela atonce re'uested her #arents not to send him awa". She #la"ed with him and his com#an"made her su#remel" ha##". %he develo#ed an emotional relationshi#. With her childishsim#licit" Leela could see an honest man in Sidda! that others couldn’t have. So! though Mr.And Mrs. Sivasanker took him or the thie o the gold chain! she didn’t believe in it.Sur#risingl"! we see that Leela was right as the gold chain was ound inside te tamarind #ot inthe kitchen.
)."He looked at her mutel*$ like an animal.& '' Who was +he’? Wh* did he look at her mutel*? ,iscuss brie-* the bond of relationshi( between them? Ans.
&ere he is Sidda! the servant o the Sivasankers. Sidda was taken beore the Sivasankers to coness that he had stolen the chain. Sidda hadnot taken the chain! "et! he thought! Leela might believe him to be the thie. &e had nothingto #rove his innocence. &e was hel#less in the hand o law. So! he looked at her mutel". Sidda had to do various chores in the Sivasankers’ house rom washing clothes! tendingthe garden! running errands and cho##ing the wood. *et! he uttered an" words o anno"anceas Leela was with him all the time. %he" #la"ed in the garden! ound #leasure ollowing themoon and s#ending time with catalogues!and illustrated books. At night! Sidda told herincom#arable stories which lulled her to slee#. %hus! the" built u# a relation o trust betweenthem. %his strong aith made Leela #rotest against the in)ustice done to Sidda b" taking himawa" to the #olice station.