How did the child look when it was born ? { ch7 snapshots }
Newborns have big heads, no necks, short legs and big, distended torsos. In short, they look like ET. Because newborns have spent an average of 12 hours squeezing through the birth canal, their head can often be a little pointy. Babies born by cesarean often have an edge, beauty-wise, because their heads don't have to squeeze through the birth canal.
Newborn skin varies in appearance according to how many weeks pregnant you were when your baby was born. Premature babies have thin, transparent-looking skin and may be covered with lanugo, a fine, downy hair. Babies born prematurely will also still be covered with vernier, a greasy white substance that protects his skin from the amniotic fluid. Full-term and late babies will have only a few traces of vernier in the folds of their skin. Late babies may also have a slightly wrinkly appearance and very little, if any, lanugo.