History, asked by krishnal8939, 1 year ago

How did the common people of Germany react to Nazism ideology?


Answered by Inflameroftheancient

The common or the ordinary people which were not affiliated to the Nazi regime and party members supporting Nazi Germany was actually good and most of the people who were in Germany get flashbacks of those good years before 1939.

1)) These "ordinary" people got full support from Nazi made economic policies to fund full employment of work programmes in different sections and Strength through Joy programmes or Kraft du.rch Fre.ude in German was a leisure facility being a part of German Labour Front or Deutsche Arbeitsfront a labour organisation controlled by the Nazi Germany. Ordinary people suffered from no poverty and had a full protection through financial security and prosperous life which (also through that leisure program) gave people some fun indulging days with some long day leaves or holidays. Beauty of Work movement or the Sda governed the people with flowed up pride in the work environment they are in and what they are doing to provide economic and National Stability.

2)) Common people of Germany were fazed of the law and order which protected then from crimes and unlawful conducts but some of them locked their doors in their homes fearing death or unlawful happenings against them. To improve the transportation there were German Autobahns or federally controlled-access highways to provide connections with certain speed limits which were directly imposed on some select class vehicles. Many recurring Ceremonies, enticement, colours, rallies, parades, excitement gave Nazi propaganda to give people hope and light and a life to live for with a Nazi ra.cial philosophy giving people self-belief and self-esteem for their country. Majority of them trusted Ad.olf Hit.ler the supreme ruler of Nazi Germany as a pivotal Figurine of Security and boldness as a symbol of it.

There were a few of Negative effects left by the Nazi ideology,,,,

1)) There was no rights to speech and personal opinions and no freedom of speech which made then live in a cage of of disa.bled minds. All wages of the workers fell so low that the Nazis began to employ businessmen to control the workforce from doing any harm or ridiculous activity and get them strictly under his rule. Culture of the Nazi Germany was to be exclusively made and read in Germany and they were not able to access any other cultural materials or express other cultures in their country. Like listening to only German songs, maintaining only German Dance or tradition, etc. These all came under only authors who are approved and liable to get assurance to publish books, music, journals, etc. and has to be in the limit of Nazi party members. Young girls were made true Aryans or Aryan girls which were often send off to special camps with a perfect Nazi Boy, this was done to breed amongst the individual or copulation between the two just like select farm animals for interbreeding with select Aryan Boys.

2)) Now the most important part of it,,,

Germans who were not classified as normal human beings or non-Germans making themselves non-criterial were thought to be "use.less", "not worthy", "no significance in human groups". These groups were specifically despised by the Nazi regime and made them called "socially inferior groups" or "racially inferior groups". The German word was "Untermensch" in English it meant "subhuman" or "germs of destruction".

Many of these which included into the sub.human criteria and groups were either killed, persecuted under Nazi policies and laws, kept in concentration camps, made them work as slaves, shipped off to costal areas or those under "prosti.tution".

1)) The main page here is the "Jews" where Germans planned and in a very systematic manner persecuted them under various laws, one such known is Anne Frank, the victim of holocaust and turned famous after her diary got published mainly featuring documentations of her life in hiding until her deportation and death. Jews were forced in walled ghettos, thrown into concentration camps, and most of them using the notion for medical experimentations for industrial and edge of war purposes. Nazi Germany then at last derived and devised at method to exterminate every Jewish member in their final solution in concentration camps and publicly of the genocide by mass murders which is regarded as the most pathetic and worst killings of Human history.

2)) Mentally disabled people and babies were killed, Black people were fully undergoing sterilisation and killed after that, many of the gypsies were made the same treatment as of Jews and exterminated and killed. Many of the mentally and physically or diseased people were killed or used for experiments. L.G.B.T or le.sbian, ga.y, bis.exual, transgender, beggars, prostitutes, alcoholics, pacifists, hooligans, criminals and non-supporters were killed or put behind concentration camps as they too were regarded as sub.humans and antisocialistic individuals not capable of forming a society and not deserving to live.

TheIncorporealKlaus: _Z
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