how did Toto to have bath in winters? how did he once get into serious trouble while trying to have a hot water bath
A great treat for Toto during cold winter evenings was the large bowl of water given him by grandmother for his bath.He gradually step into the badlands first one food then the other until he was into the water up to his neck.
Toto went into the kitchen in order to dry himself.A large kitchen kettle had been left on the fire to boil for tea and Toto finding himself with nothing better to do decided to remove the lead this led Toto into serious trouble.
Toto takes bath in a tub of warm water. He puts his legs in the water one by one and applies soap as well. As monkeys are good at imitating others, so Toto has learnt the proper steps of bathing while watching the narrator doing the same.
Toto found of bathing with warm water. So once, having tasted the warmth of water in the kettle put on the stove for making tea, Toto climbs into the kettle. Probably he is not intelligent enough to understand the effects of boiling water, so he pops his head up and down in the kettle until grandmother comes and rescues him.