How diversity enrich our lives
Diversity enriches our life in the following manner:a. A society where people have diverse cultures, are from different religions, celebrate different festivals adds vibrancy to it.b. India, for instance, is characterised by different communities who have different lifestyles, culture, eating, clothing habits.c. Different communities, regions, religions are characterised by different way of living adding distinctiveness to our country.d. It is this mixture of varied cultures that make India an extremely vibrant and colourful society, adds to its strength and gives us a sense of pride.e. We experience variation in cultures from North to south, from east to west, as also intermingling of different cultures, religions, languages.f. As we interact with people from different cultures , we get influence with their style of living, adopt their cultural practises and amalgamate them with our own culture.g. Knowing different traditions, interacting with people from different cultures adds to our life.h. It makes us aware of diverse cultures and adds value to our learning.