how do coorg's location, people and natural features add to diversity of india ?
>coorg is mostly known for coffee plantation
>In the past the people of British have come n settled in this and married the natives.
>the people of coorg wear a variety of embroidery dress know as kuppia
>it is a district of Karnataka which lies in between Mysore and Mangalore
>this place is like heaven
>this place is best to visit in september to march
>most population is of arabs of greeks
>these people are the only people who are permitted to take fire arms without any license
>the river kaveri flows throw this area
>variety of animals are found here like elephants, squirrel, etc
Coorg is beautifully located and described as a piece of heaven that must have to take from the kingdom of God. it has rolling hill side with a pollution free river and forest teeming with full wildlife. here nature exist in p r i s t i n e which adds to the diversity of India. further it has coffee and Spice plantation quite different from the rest of India. the local people the kodavus arey Martial race. of course they are well known for their hospitality just like all Indians. the monks in red The archers foster and yellow rose are among the many surprises that pays to be discovered by visitors searching for the heart and soul of India right here in Coorg for stop all these features of food cat to the diversity of our country