Physics, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

how do light travell?


Answered by legendary2
light is a form of energy and travels in form of waves and always requires a medium to propagate

hoping that this ans will help u

mark it brainliest please

Anonymous: explain it plz
legendary2: eg of that u put ur ear on railway trackand u may hear the sound of train and this type of medium is required
legendary2: mark it brainliest please
QGP: Hey your answer is incorrect
QGP: Light does NOT require a medium
Answered by QGP
Light is an electromagnetic wave, and a form of energy.

As light shows wave nature, it was assumed that light travelled through a medium called the ether.

But this concept is wrong. Light does not require a medium to travel.

Here's how:

The great physicist James Clerk Maxwell unified Electricity and Magnetism into Electromagnetism.

He gave the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation, which explains mathematically how electromagnetic waves propagate.

Here's a simple explanation:

Any electromagnetic substance produces an electric and magnetic field. The disturbances in these fields travel in form of wave.

You must understand that wave is a movement of disturbance, not the particles itself. In case of water waves, the disturbance that propagates is the disturbance in water, which is a physical entity.

In electromagnetic waves, the disturbance in electromagnetic fields propagates.
As electromagnetic field is not a kind of "medium", light does not require any medium to travel.

QGP: The exact concept is tricky to explain. You will understand it when you come in Class 12 Science (if you are choosing science)
legendary2: yes i'll be choosing science
legendary2: for now i am in 8
QGP: Okay, you will get a deeper understanding of everything starting from 11th. That will bring a change in your ideas
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