how do medium and large farmer get capital for farming ?write about any two non farm activities in palampur
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mesium and large farmers got their capital grom big lenders thwy borrow the money from bidg lenders and farmers and when they are not able to pay hos rwnt back they have to work in their fields as farm labourers and thus sometimes caught in indebtness. two non farming activities in palampur are diary , small scale manufacturing, shopkeeping,small teaching center
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Medium and large farmers don't have their own capital for farming so they borrow money from moneylenders or large farmers,and have to pay interest at higher rates.
Large farmers have good surplus production and they sell the extra good for profit and on their land they hire small farmers and keep the profit money for the next farming season.
Non farming activities are diary product sailing and small scale manufacturing
Large farmers have good surplus production and they sell the extra good for profit and on their land they hire small farmers and keep the profit money for the next farming season.
Non farming activities are diary product sailing and small scale manufacturing
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