How do organisms reproduce class 10 notes
Note: each question carries 1 mark.
1) What is reproduction?
2) Have you seen seeds of rose or potato? Name some plants whose seeds you may have seen.
3) Can an amoeba and hydra reproduce like human beings?
4) What changes are observed in the uterus if fertilization occurs?
5) Define fertilization?
Short answer type questions
Note: each question carries two marks:
1) In the human body, what is the role of (a) seminal vesicles (b) prostate gland?
2) State the difference between menarche and menopause?
3) What is variation? Mention the importance of DNA copying in reproduction.
1) Give two reasons for the appearance or variation among the progeny formed by sexual reproduction.
2) Colonies of yeast fail to multiply in water but multiply in sugar solution. Give one reason.
3) Malaria parasite divides into many daughter individual simultaneously through multiple fission. State an advantage the parasite gets because of this type of reproduction.
4) What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?
5) How does reproduction help in providing stability to population of species?
6) Why is vegetative propagation practised for growing some types of plants?
7) Why would be the reason for adopting contraceptive methods ?
8) Name those parts of flower , which serve the same function as the following do in the animals a) testies b) Eggs, c) Ovary ,d) Sperms
9)What is the difference between albuminous and exalbuminous seeds?
10)Difference between Fragmentation and Regeneration
11)Differentiate between radicle and plumule.
12)explain the process of regeneration in planaria?
this questions are very important according to examination point of view.
Mark me in brainliest
Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce new individuals similar to themselves. It basically involves the making copies of the blueprints of the body design.
- Reproduction ensures continuity of life on earth.
- Chromosomes in the cell contain the information for inheritance of features which are passed from generation to generation in form of DNA molecules.
- so reproduction involves copying of DNA and other cell apparatuses. The copies will be similar to original and not identical.
- This property is Variation which is the basis and necessary for evolution of living beings.
- Variations help the species to withstand drastic environmental changes, thus save the species from becoming extinct and promotes its survival for a longer time.
Asexual Reproduction
1. A single parent is involved
2. Gametes not formed
3.Progeny is Identical to parent Sexual Reproduction
1. Both Parents involved
2. Gametes are formed
3. Progeny is only genetically similar to the parent but not identical
Asexual Reproduction is extremely useful as a mean of rapid multiplication. It is common in lower plants and animals.
MODES OF ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION : the mode depends on the body design of the organism.
1. FISSION:The parent cell divides/splits into two daughter cell-Binary Fission; splits into many cells-multiple Fission.
Binary Fission
The parents cell divides into two equal halvesEqual halves (daughter cells)
E.g. Amoeba follows transverse binary fission,i.e. fissin in any plane.->Leishmania has a whip-like structure at one end and binary fission occurs in a definite orientation. Multiple Fission
The parent cell divides into many daughter cell simultaneously.
Eg. Plasmodium
the process where nucleus lengthens is NUCLEOKINESIS and where the cytoplasm lenghthens is CYTOKINESIS.
2. BUDDING: A bud develops as an outgrowth on parent body due to repeated cell division at a specific site. These buds detach from the parent body when they mature.
E.g. Hydra, yeast.
3. SPORE FORMATION : Spores which are present in sporangia, are small, bulb like structure which are covered by thick walls that protect them until they come in contact with suitable condition. Under favourable conditions, they germinate and produce new Rhizopus indiviual.
4. FRAGMENTATION : It takes place in multicellular organism with simple body organisation.
5. REGENERATION : When the simple animals like Hydra ,Planaria develop a new individual from their broken older part it is known as regeneration. It is carried out by specialised cells which divide and differentiate to form the complete individual. These cells multiply and from this mass of cells other parts are generated. Regeneration follows an organised sequence referred to as DEVELOPMENT.
Vegetative Propagation