Biology, asked by pices0672, 1 year ago

How do protozoans help in improving soil fertility


Answered by ar050455

Protozoa are single-celled animals that feed primarily on bacteria, but also eat other protozoa, soluble organic matter, and sometimes fungi. They are several times larger than bacteria - ranging from 1/5000 to 1/50 of an inch (5 to 500 µm) in diameter. As they eat bacteria, protozoa release excess nitrogen that can then be used by plants and other members of the food web.    Protozoa Feed on Bacteria  Protozoa Feed on Bacteria Protozoa play an important role in nutrient cycling by feeding intensively on bacteria. Notice the size of the speck-like bacteria next to the oval protozoa and large, angular sand particle.  Credit: Elaine R. Ingham. Please contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at [email protected] for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images.  Bacteria Ingested by an Amoeba  Bacteria Ingested by an Amoeba Bacteria ingested by an amoeba.  Credit: No. 35 from Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Slide Set. 1976. J.P. Martin, et al., eds. SSSA, Madison, WI. Please contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at [email protected] for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images.  Flagellate Protozoa  Flagellate Protozoa Flagellates have one or two flagella which they use to propel or pull their way through soil. A flagellum can be seen extending from the protozoan on the left. The tiny specks are bacteria.  Credit: Elaine R. Ingham. Please contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at [email protected] for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images.  Ciliates Ciliates Ciliates are the largest of the protozoa and the least numerous. They consume up to ten thousand bacteria per day, and release plant available nitrogen. Ciliates use the fine cilia along their bodies like oars to move rapidly through soil.  Credit: Elaine R. Ingham. Please contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at [email protected] for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images.  What Do Protozoa Do?  Mineralization and Immobilization  Mineralization and Immobilization Protozoa play an important role in mineralizing nutrients, making them available for use by plants and other soil organisms. Protozoa (and nematodes) have a lower concentration of nitrogen in their cells than the bacteria they eat. (The ratio of carbon to nitrogen for protozoa is 10:1 or much more and 3:1 to 10:1 for bacteria.)  Bacteria eaten by protozoa contain too much nitrogen for the amount of carbon protozoa need. They release the excess nitrogen in the form of ammonium (NH4+). This usually occurs near the root system of a plant. Bacteria and other organisms rapidly take up most of the ammonium, but some is used by the plant. (See figure below for explanation of mineralization and immobilzation.)  Another role that protozoa play is in regulating bacteria populations. When they graze on bacteria, protozoa stimulate growth of the bacterial population (and, in turn, decomposition rates and soil aggregation.)  Exactly why this happens is under some debate, but grazing can be thought of like pruning a tree - a small amount enhances growth, too much reduces growth or will modify the mix of species in the bacterial community.  Protozoa are also an important food source for other soil organisms and help to suppress disease by competing with or feeding on pathogens.  Where Are Protozoa?  Protozoa need bacteria to eat and water in which to move, so moisture plays a big role in determining which types of protozoa will be present and active. Like bacteria, protozoa are particularly active in the rhizosphere next to roots.  Typical numbers of protozoa in soil vary widely - from a thousand per teaspoon in low fertility soils to a million per teaspoon in some highly fertile soils. Fungal-dominated soils (e.g. forests) tend to have more testate amoebae and ciliates than other types. In bacterial-dominated soils, flagellates and naked amoebae predominate. In general, high clay-content soils contain a higher number of smaller protozoa (flagellates and naked amoebae), while coarser textured soils contain more large flagellates, amoebae of both varieties, and ciliates.  Nematodes and Protozoa  Protozoa and bacterial-feeding nematodes compete for their common food resource: bacteria. Some soils have high numbers of either nematodes or protozoa, but not both. The significance of this difference to plants is not known. Both groups consume bacteria and release NH4+.     Vampyrellids attack many fungi including root pathogens, such as Gaeumannomyces graminis, shown in the photo. This fungus attacks wheat roots and causes take-all disease.  

Answered by thewordlycreature

Protozoa play an important role in mineralizing nutrients, making them available for use by plants and other soil organisms. Protozoa (and nematodes) have a lower concentration of nitrogen in their cells than the bacteria they eat. (The ratio of carbon to nitrogen for protozoa is 10:1 or much more and 3:1 to 10:1 for bacteria.)  Bacteria eaten by protozoa contain too much nitrogen for the amount of carbon protozoa need. They release the excess nitrogen in the form of ammonium (NH4+). This usually occurs near the root system of a plant. This they helps in soil fertility development.

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