How do symbiotic plants derive their Nutrition?
symbiosis is the mode of nutrition In which two
organisms are mutually dependent on each other for their benifit.
in a symbiotic nutrition one plant depends on other for water and minerals and the second depends on the first for chlorophyll so that photosynthesis can take place and food can be prepared.
Symbiotic plants derive their nutrition by developing a special relationship with certain other organisms to obtain nourishment.
The word Symbiose is a mixture of two Greek words 'Sym' means 'with' and 'biose' means 'life,' which means life together. In symbiosis, two different types of organisms live and work together for their mutual benefit from each other. They share shelter and nutrients.
Example: Lichens are hybrid species made up of fungus and algae. Fungus is a saprophyte, and algae is an autotroph. The Fungus supplies the algae cells with water and minerals, while the algae supply food prepared by photosynthesis. An example of symbiosis is a bird sitting on the back of a rhino. The bird gets the worms to feed, while the rhino gets rid of the worms.
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What are symbiotic plants how do they derive their nutrition ...
How do symbiotic plant derive their nutrition -